Product Modifiers are the customizations for your product. It can include additional products for upselling or include modifications such as No Onions/ No Cheese etc

  1. Click on Products and select Product Modifiers

  2. Click on Add New Product Modifier  

  3. Fill The appropriate Details 

    1. Name - Name of the modifier (Ex: Burger Modifier)

    2. Group Name - Name of the group of modifier (i.e Add On/Extra Toppings/Beverages)

    3. Minimum Selectable Options - enter the minimum number of products that has to be selected. Enter as "0", if selection is optional

    4. Maximum Selectable Options - enter the quantity that can be selected at the maximum

    5. No Options - Enable/Disable in order to indicate Customizations/Add On. (If enabled, then while billing it will show as X mark instead of tick mark)

  4. Add the Customizations/Add Ons

    1. Search the product under the Products tab. Select the product and click on Add

    2. Enter the price if applicable additionally. Click on more to update the prices specific for the location and sale channel. Enable/Disable the products for specific location and sale channel by clicking on more

    3. Enable Default if the product modifier option has to selected by default (This will be helpful in case of combos)

  5. Click on Save to complete creating the Product Modifier

The product Modifier has to be assigned to the product for which the add ons are applicable. Refer the following article to know: How to assign the Product Modifier to Product?