Manage Register Settings:
- Click on Settings and select Registers
- Select the register that has to be updated. Click on View the get the Activation Code and Edit to update the register settings
- Update the necessary changes required
- Name: Register name can be changed (Name cannot be duplicated)
- Default Sale Channel: You can change the default sale channel as per your operations
- Remote Payment Settlements: Enabling it will make the payment settlements to be on the master device
- Show Register Closure Totals: Enabling it will allow the user to view sales breakup while closing the register
- Ask Customer Details: Enabling it will make customer details to be filled mandatory for all orders
- Ask Employee: Enabling it will allow your staff to select their login whoever is taking the order. User has to enter his/her 4-digit secret code
- Click on Save to complete the changes
Assign DeviceĀ
- Click on Settings and select Registers
- Select the register for which device has to be assigned
- Click on Add Device and update the necessary details
- Device: Select the device where the changes are applicable (Click on Add New Device if any additional copy of Bill or Kitchen is required)
- Point Of Sale Template: Select the POS template, click here to create a new POS template if not created
- Categories: Select the categories if the kitchen copies have to be split
- Categories Print Type: Select the action as per the categories you have selected
- Enabled: Select the status if it has to be enabled or disabled
4. Click on Save to complete the changes