Create New tax

  1. Click on Settings and select Taxes
  2. Click on Add New Tax and fill up the details
    1. Name: Name of the tax (i.e CGST/SGST/Cess etc)
    2. Percentage: Percentage of the tax
  3. Click on Save to complete creating the new tax

Group multiple taxes 

  1. Click on Settings and select Taxes

  2. Click on Add New Tax Group and fill up the details
    1. Name: Name of the tax group (i.e GST 12/GST 5 etc)
    2. Grouped Taxes: Select the taxes that have to be grouped
  3. Click on Save to complete creating the new tax

If you are required to create a GST for 12% with the breakup of CGST and SGST, then create two different taxes for CGST and SGST with 6.0 as tax percentage respectively, then create tax group and select CGST and SGST under Grouped Taxes