Charges can be either your packing charge, service charge, or delivery charge which are charged additionally upon the purchases made. 

  1. Click on Settings and select Charges
  2. Click on Add New Charge and fill up the necessary details
    • Name *: Give the name for the charges (ex: Service Charges)
    • Enabled *: Select the status if has to be enabled or disabled
    • Value Type *: Select the value type of how the charge has to be charged either in amount or percentage
    • Value *: Enter the value that has to be charged
    • Applicable for *: Select whether the charges have to be charged for the whole order or for per product
    • Tax  *: Select the tax that has to be charged
    • Tax Inclusive *: Enable if the tax charged should be inclusive of tax or tax has to charged additionally
  3. Click on Save to complete creating the charges

Values entered cannot be changed upon creation. You will have to create a new Charge if entered wrongly or to update the new changes

Charges have to be assigned to the product under the Charge of Sale Channels tab. To know more on assigning the charges to the product, kindly refer the following article: Manage prices and charges across locations and sale channels