Suppliers are the vendors from whom the business gets the goods or services. For a business with multiple locations, suppliers may change depending on location. 

This article contains :

  1. Creating a New Supplier
  2. Manage Supplier Details
  3. Assign suppliers to location

Create a New Supplier:

  1. Click on Products and select Suppliers     
  2. Click on Add New Supplier and fill all the necessary details
    • Add New Supplier
      • Name Company name
      • First Name - First name of the contact person
      • Last Name - Last name of the contact person 
      • Contact Number - Contact details of company/contact person
      • Email Address - email address of company/contact person to which PO's will shared
      • Tax Number - Tax number of company
      • Locations Locations that have to be assigned to this supplier 
    • Billing Address
      • Company Name - Company Name
      • Attention - Contact Person
      • Address Line 1 - Address of the company
      • Address Line 2 - Address of the company
      • City.- City where the company located
      • State.- State where the company located
      • Country - Country where the company located
      • Zip Code - PIN Code where the company located
    • Shipping Address
      • Company Name - Company Name
      • Attention - Contact Person
      • Address Line 1 - Address of the company
      • Address Line 2 - Address of the company
      • City.- City where the company located
      • State.- State where the company located
      • Country - Country where the company located
      • Zip Code - PIN Code where the company located
  3. Click on Save to complete creating a new supplier

Manage Supplier Details:

Supplier details may have to be updated as the contact person details changes or the address of the company changes. You can update the supplier details anytime by following the below steps:

  1. Click on Products and select Suppliers
  2. Select the Supplier which has to be updated
  3. Update the necessary details that has to be changed
  4. Click on Save to update the changes

Assign suppliers to location:

Whenever a new location or supplier is created, suppliers have to assigned to the location for their purchases. The supplier list can be assigned while creating a new location itself or added later either any from any of the following method

Assign supplier through Location page:

  1. Click on Settings and select Locations
  2. Select the location for which Suppliers has to be assigned
  3. Select the Supplier that has to be assigned under Suppliers tab
  4. Click on Save to update the changes

Assign supplier through Supplier page

  1. Click on Products and select Suppliers
  2. Select the Supplier which has to be assigned to locations
  3. Select the Locations that have to be assigned and click on Save to complete